Every piece of plastic EVER made still exists!! Let that sink in.
It has been estimated that 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is being dumped into the ocean each year and we all had a hand involved. Companies and Consumers alike are becoming more and more conscious about their impact on the planet and have begun taking huge strides to seek plastic swaps or pursue a zero-waste lifestyle.
We've seen big players like Starbucks, pledge to eliminate plastic straws from their 28,000 stores and replace them with materials like paper and compostable plastic. Or Adidas, who announced they're creating a 100% recyclable pair of shoes, created using ocean plastic, which can later be returned and transformed into a new pair when worn out! So what are we little guys doing?! Well, here at Home Jewels Co we too are taking steps to reduce our plastic waste by phasing out our remaining plastic clamshell wax melt packaging and replacing them with our new recycled paper wraps! As a business, our aim is to help drive change and reduce the usage of plastics and combat environmental issues our planet faces.
If you've ever wondered what you can do to reduce your plastic waste or toyed with the idea of living a zero-waste lifestyle but not quite sure where to start, remember this, "we don't need a handful of people doing zero-waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly". So just start and see where you end up!